



Here at The Rock Church we place value on the Biblical principle of giving, through tithes and offerings. We want to encourage you to give from your heart and not because of any pressure or compulsion to do so. Below are some details about Giving to the Rock Church.

Give Online

If you would like to give monthly or as a one off then you can do so online by visiting

Gift Aid

If you are a tax payer we can claim an extra 25% of what you give in Gift Aid.

Bank Details

Account Name: The Rock Church
Sort Code: 09-01-27
Account Number: 38501759
Bank: Santander

Standing Order

To make regular payments to the Rock Church via your bank account please complete this standing order form and give it to your bank.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7